Chair of directors

Chair of directors

On September 25, 2015, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as the agreed framework for international development. It is the successor to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). 

This agenda, which applies to all countries, is even more relevant to Africa. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is more ambitious, envisaging poverty eradication, the systematic fight against climate change, and the construction of peaceful, resilient, equitable, and inclusive societies.

Nevertheless, such ambitious development can only be achieved with an end to gender discrimination that leaves women less resilient and without hope for higher education and income.

As a Community interest company, we spare no effort to help end poverty through training, loans, and life skills programs. These programs aim to empower poor women economically, give them a voice, strengthen social services and increase awareness of women’s rights.

Join us in contributing to a better environment, economic prosperity, and social equity that empowers African women. Together we can make a difference in helping to eradicate hunger, achieve food security, improve nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture and economic prosperity. Let us ensure women access essential services, control land, other property, inheritance, natural resources, appropriate new technologies, and financial services.

Support us in fostering an African economic system that replaces the concept of “end of life” with reducing, alternative reuse, recycling, and recovery of materials in the production, distribution, and consumption processes.

As a community interest company, we operate at the micro-level of products, businesses, and consumers, the meso-level in eco-industrial parks, and the macro-level in cities, regions, nations, and beyond. Our goal is to achieve sustainable development, thereby simultaneously bringing environmental quality, economic prosperity, and social equity to current and future generations of African women.

Our model is among the most transparent and efficient, and all surpluses earned by our community interest company are:          

  • Reinvested in projects, start-ups, and resources that directly benefit the community.
  • Dedicated to supporting projects, associations, charities, other organizations, and individuals working towards empowering African women and sustainable development.