Social enterprises are businesses that are changing the world for the better. While they sometimes make a profit like traditional businesses, it is what they do with that profit that sets them apart: they reinvest or donate it to create positive social change. Around the world, the social enterprise movement is growing. On every continent, social enterprises are tackling the biggest social issues: reducing poverty, fighting income inequality, fighting for women’s rights, creating jobs and promoting sustainable growth. There has never been a more important time for the world to realize the potential of social enterprises to make the ideals behind the Sustainable Development Goals a reality. The African Academy is very proud to be recognized and labeled by SEUK “Social Enterprise United Kingdom” and to be able to collaborate with one of the world’s leading social enterprises.

Dr Abdelhamid Khalil Chairman
The African Academy for Ecological Development fosters African women empowerment, advocates for sustainable development on the African continent, and promotes the concept of a circular economy.
Today, we stand united in our belief that African women are a driving force for change. Their immense potential, when nurtured and empowered, can create a ripple effect that transforms communities, nations, and the continent as a whole. We firmly believe that by investing in the education, skills, and entrepreneurial spirit of African women, we lay the foundation for a sustainable and prosperous Africa.
Our commitment to sustainable development is rooted in our firm belief that economic growth must go hand in hand with environmental stewardship. Africa is blessed with abundant natural resources, and it is our collective responsibility to utilize these resources in a sustainable manner, fostering growth and prosperity without compromising the well-being of future generations.
To achieve this, we advocate for the adoption of circular economy principles across Africa. A circular economy promotes the responsible and efficient use of resources, minimizing waste and pollution while maximizing the value derived from these resources. By promoting circularity, we can unlock new economic opportunities, create jobs, and ensure long-term ecological balance.
However, we acknowledge that these goals cannot be achieved in isolation. Collaboration, both within Africa and beyond, is crucial. We must work in partnership with governments, NGOs, businesses, and communities, pooling our knowledge, expertise, and resources to bring about meaningful and lasting change.
Here at the African Academy for Ecological Development, we are committed to being at the forefront of this collaborative effort. We are dedicated to researching, promoting awareness, and driving practical implementation of sustainable practices. We strive to inspire individuals and organizations to embrace the circular economy and empower African women as agents of change.
Let us remember that the challenges we face today are great, but so too are the opportunities that lie before us. Let us stand together, united in our commitment to African women’s empowerment, sustainable development, and the circular economy. By doing so, we can pave the way for a brighter and more inclusive future for all Africans.
Together, let us continue on this transformative journey.
Thank you.

Pr Driss Ouaouicha Advisory Chairman
Dr. Driss Ouaouicha was appointed Minister Delegate in charge of Higher Education and Scientific Research in November 2019-2021. He was also appointed President of Al Akhawayn University by King Mohammed VI in December 2008. Al Akhawayn University “AUI” is an independent, public, not-for-profit, coeducational Moroccan university committed to educating future citizen-leaders of Morocco and the world through a globally oriented, English-language, liberal-arts curriculum based on the American system. During Dr. Ouaouicha’s tenure, the AUI obtained institutional accreditation by a regional U.S. accreditation association in addition to degree and support program accreditations. He had previously served at Al Akhawayn as Vice-President for Academic Affairs, Interim Dean of the School of Business Administration, the Executive Director of the “The scholar Ship, “and Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at Moulay Ismail University in Meknes. Dr. Ouaouicha was appointed by His Majesty Mohammed VI member of the National Economic and Social Council. He is also General Secretary of the Moroccan British Society and former Secretary of the EuroMed Permanent University Forum. Dr. Ouaouicha holds a Ph.D. in Linguistics and Education from the University of Texas at Austin, a Master in Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching from the University of Wales, and a Bachelor of Arts from Mohamed V University.

H.E Anthony Layden Ambassador of the Academy
Joined the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) 1968; MECAS Lebanon 1969, Jeddah 1971; Rome 1973; FCO Middle East; Rhodesia, Personnel Operations Departments 1977-82; head of chancery in Jeddah; Saudi Arabia 1982-85; FCO Hong Kong Dept 1985-87; Counsellor and head of chancery Muscat, Oman 1987-91; Counsellor (Economic and Commercial) Copenhagen 1991-95; deputy head of mission Copenhagen 1994-96; Director of Western Europe Department FCO 1996-99; Ambassador to Morocco 1999-2002 (concurrently non-resident ambassador to Mauritania); Ambassador to Libya 2002-2006 during the period of Libya’s re-emergence in international affairs and when Gaddafi gave up the weapons of mass destruction and dismantled his nuclear programme; Ambassador Layden then became Commissioner and special representative for deportation with assurances FCO 2006-13; President of the Society for Libyan Studies 2009-12; Chairman of the British- Moroccan Society 2007-2014; President of the travellers Club 2011-2014; Chairman of the Centre for Euro-Mediterranean and African Studies 2015.
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“The Academy would like to thank those partners who have trusted it and lent it their hand to help build a world of tomorrow that is ecologically sustainable and that offers African women the place they deserve”.
Our Ambassadors are personalities whose commitments are in adequation with the values as promoted by our Academy. The Academy wishes to acknowledge and express its gratitude to its Ambassadors who devote their time and knowledge to promote the Academy’s image and values
throughout the globe.
Our Partners
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The academy promotes the idea of adaptive management, which calls for a cyclical approach so that policies can be adapted as circumstances change and people learn. With our partners, we first identify the problems and desired goals, and then develop the appropriate policy. Once the policy is implemented and the results monitored, the problems and goals are revisited, and the cycle is repeated. Our approach is iterative, with each step offering the opportunity to involve different groups and for them to learn from each other.
We are inviting forward-thinking businesses to get in touch with us to discuss how to achieve sustainable development, thereby bringing environmental quality, economic prosperity, and social equity to current and future generations of African women.
The Honorary President is an honorific title proposed to a personality to whom our Board of Directors recognizes deeds and commitments that are in harmony with the ideals and values as promoted by our Academy. The Academy wishes to thank its Honorary Presidents for associating their image with the Academy and allowing it to benefit from the outreach of their name, fame, and social influence.