Education & Publications

Education & Publications

Our Publications, Educational strategies, and Scholarships department will be the link between the African continent and the rest of the world by: 


  • Maintaining relations with partners such as the African Studies Association, regrouping 450 universities in America, to promote studies on the African continent in these universities and help organize field trips for young African women. 
  • Developing relations with European and British universities.  
  • Proposing Africa-related Research studies database in terms of university articles and books.
  • Presenting topics related to Africa and, more specifically, to sustainability, business models, and circular economy. 


Our activities supporting our aims, and those including collaborations with other communities and organisations where appropriate will:


  • Benefit from partnerships with American, European, and British universities.
  • Have access to Africa-related Research studies and database. 
  • Receive assistance and support related to topics about sustainability, business models, and circular economy (circular economy is «a model of production and consumption, which involves sharing, leasing, reusing, repairing, refurbishing and recycling existing materials and products as long as possible. It also aims to tackle global challenges like climate change, biodiversity loss, waste, and pollution »).